Mercury Retrograde Is Back: What You Can Expect This Season Brittany Beringer-Tobing

If you’ve been experiencing missteps or feel like the vibe’s been off lately, no, it’s not just you, and you’re likely not even the problem. If anything, you can probably blame it on the stars. Or, more specifically, you can blame Mercury retrograde. The pesky transit has a proven track record of sprinkling celestial chaos a few times each year, prompting miscommunication and general oversight in our lives. Because it affects our daily functions, it’s worth understanding what Mercury retrograde is, when it happens, and how it affects you. And yes, it’s upon us—Mercury retrograde will begin once again on November 25, 2024.

In astrology, the planets represent different life sects and contain their unique personalities. They also have their own respective retrograde period, a phase during which they appear to be moving backward (although they’re really not; the optical illusion can be perfectly explained by the planets’ relative position to Earth). Metaphorically, the planet’s energy is thrown off balance and tends to flip our worlds upside down during retrograde. It affects different parts of our lives depending on which planet is going retrograde (more on that later.)

When it comes to Mercury retrograde, however, it’s normal to experience brain fog, tension, sleep issues, or misunderstandings with people that seem totally out of character. Sound intense? Well, sure. But when you understand what Mercury retrograde means in astrology, you can be better prepared for the star-sanctioned mayhem.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about Mercury retrograde.

What is Mercury retrograde in astrology?

Mercury retrograde occurs when the planet seems to be moving backward, which happens about three to four times yearly. Mercury is considered a personal planet in astrology, meaning it directly affects our day-to-day life. Specifically, Mercury is popularly known as the planet of communication and intellect. When Mercury is direct—during its typical orbit—the cerebral planet affects our routines, thought processes, and verbal expressions. It also impacts short-term travel and is associated with the Greek god Hermes, the mischievous messenger of the gods.

In other words, Mercury impacts the way we process and express information. So a retrograde throws a wrench in our travel plans, prompts misinterpretations, creates heated arguments with loved ones, and heralds overall confusion. It ties back to the seemingly backward motion—not only prodding chaos but also dredging up our past as well.

When is Mercury in retrograde in 2024?

Mercury retrograde 2024 falls between November 25 to December 15 in the sign of Sagittarius. It will be the last time it’ll retrograde until 2025. The next Mercury retrograde will occur between March 14, 2025, and April 7, 2025, in the sign of Aries.

It’s important to note that the exact dates of Mercury retrograde aren’t the only times you’d experience its impact. “Mercury retrograde is broken into three phases: the pre-retrograde shadow that lasts about two weeks, the retrograde itself, which lasts anywhere from two to three weeks, and the post-retrograde shadow that lasts for about two weeks,” says Ash. You read that right—there are really about six weeks of backward Mercurial energy.

How Mercury retrograde affects you

Classic symptoms of Mercury retrograde involve delays (think flights, appointments, and even your daily rituals.) “Old conversations may come back up, past relationships might resurface, or new insights could suddenly reframe past situations,” explains astrologer Lauren Ash. Yes, Mercury retrograde is known for bringing our exes, old flings, and even forgotten friends back from the dead. But it’s not just people that Mercury retrograde resurrects, but emotions and themes from our past, too.

However, not all Mercury retrograde periods are treated equally. Think of Mercury retrograde periods like the changing of seasons. Depending on where Mercury is backtracking (and where it’s in your birth chart), you’ll experience them differently. Suppose Mercury retrograde is percolating in Leo, for example. In that case, it might bring up childhood friends or inspire you to revisit old, forgotten artistic projects (since Leo rules our inner child and creative endeavors).

Sagittarius is the planet of travel and adventure, and because of that, extra care is needed when booking tickets to visit family, purchasing gifts online, and confirming all the details, says Ash. “Be sure to print out confirmations or tickets, as relying on technology may lead to mishaps.” In other words, it’ll probably do you well to be as straightforward as possible with your plans with friends and, most importantly: “Stay flexible when things don’t go as expected,” Ash adds.

There’s an upside, though

As troublesome (and downright inconvenient) as Mercury retrograde tends to be, it’s not all bad! “It’s not as rare or doomed as your TikTok feed might make it seem,” says Ash.“Mercury retrograde is a time to review, revise, and revisit things. The energetic rewind forces our own perspectives in new ways and shows us what we might’ve missed the first time around.”

Although you might have the past revisit you, Mercury retrograde is more of a time for you to reassess—reflecting on past relationships, situations, and feelings that resurface during this time. It’s a great period to think logically about how the past fits in your present—what current themes show up? How are your past relationships affecting you currently?

Mercury retrograde doesn’t just affect us on a personal level but on a collective level, too. Per Ash, “On a larger scale, Mercury retrograde can make everyone feel tense and tongue-tied. The collective pressure can turn even ordinary conversations into awkward or unexpectedly frustrating interactions.”

Regardless of where Mercury retrograde appears in your birth chart, know that it’s nothing to truly fret. There will probably be mixups and inevitable frustrations, but it’s nothing to dwell on. It’s not necessarily a green light to get back with an ex or to return to old cycles. These patterns are meant to repeat themselves so you can find closure and grow as an individual. Mercury retrograde is all about looking back, taking stock, and understanding how to move forward. Think of it as an opportunity to become better aligned with the person you want to be rather than repeating the same mistakes. See, not so bad!