Here Are the Zodiac Signs Cleaning Up on Tinder

Photo: W+G Editorial
Have you been lucky in love this year? If you’re single and working the apps, your astrological sun sign could have something to do with it. Tinder just shared data about which zodiac signs get swiped right on most, and some are doing way better than others. Based on the characteristics of the signs, the results might surprise you! For example, sexually-charged Scorpio falls in the middle of the pack, while shape-shifting Gemini is a hot commodity.

Which signs a person finds attractive may depend on your sign. Sun signs are also only part of the story when it comes to coupling up.

“It’s important not to jump to conclusions when learning a few aspects of someone’s astrology,” astrologer Angel Dawn previously told Well+Good about zodiac sign compatibility. “Sun signs, moon signs, and the rising sign all need to be taken into consideration and even then, they can only be considered very general compatibility indicators.”

What the rankings say about our romantic priorities

Tinder’s list tells a story about who people are gravitating towards—and what traits people might be looking for while searching for love (or a fling). What’s more, the tendency to swipe right on some signs more than others might not be by accident. According to Tinder, astrology is a significant factor for many when they’re considering a potential partner: nearly 40% of the people Tinder surveyed said that “astrology love predictions” will impact their dating choices in 2025. So this data might actually reflect people’s conscious selections about what signs they want to date.

Tinder pinpoints which signs are most attractive to men versus women. Men are going after enigmatic Gemini and grounded, sensual Taurus. Women, meanwhile, are lusting after Virgos and Leos in high numbers. (To the women chasing magnetic but chaotic Leos, can we just say… girl.) But there are also constants. Virgo gets third place on the men’s list, too. Maybe the fastidiously curated profiles of Virgos are really working their magic. (Or maybe it’s the fact that Virgo is the most common sign. Hmm.)

The same sign comes in last for both genders, too. Sadly, if there’s one thing men and women can agree on, it’s that few are looking for love with a Capricorn.

So who is getting the most romantic interest? Here were the most and least desirable signs on Tinder in terms of swipe rights in 2024.

Most attractive star signs in 2024

To Men

  1. Gemini
  2. Taurus
  3. Virgo
  4. Pisces
  5. Leo
  6. Scorpio
  7. Sagittarius
  8. Cancer
  9. Aries
  10. Aquarius
  11. Libra
  12. Capricorn

To Women

  1. Virgo
  2. Leo
  3. Gemini
  4. Scorpio
  5. Taurus
  6. Pisces
  7. Sagittarius
  8. Aquarius
  9. Libra
  10. Cancer
  11. Aries
  12. Capricorn

Top represented zodiac signs on Tinder (ranked from most to least)

  1. Leo
  2. Cancer
  3. Taurus
  4. Virgo
  5. Gemini
  6. Aries
  7. Aquarius
  8. Scorpio
  9. Libra
  10. Pisces
  11. Sagittarius
  12. Capricorn

Ultimately, the list might just be a numbers game. There are more Leos on Tinder than any other sign, and there are fewer Capricorns. But even with that numerical caveat, we know the cosmos is wielding its influence over people’s love lives. At the very least, the stars are guiding conscious choices. Don’t rule out that they’re doing something more.