I’ve Gotten Premature Grays for so Long, and This Is Why I Choose to Dye Them

Every five weeks like clockwork, I know that I’ve gotta book an appointment at my hair salon—stat. This is because, also like clockwork, my very dark brown hair starts transforming into a half-brunette, half-gray situation, with white strands trickling out from my roots… which just isn’t the look I’m going for. It’d make my life […]

How to Score a Trendy Knotted Headband for Under $25 on Amazon

Every summer, like clockwork, my Instagram feed becomes a series of shots of influencers on vacation in Italy, engagement announcements from people I haven’t spoken to since high school, and photos that have me genuinely wondering: “Are those hotdogs, or are they legs?” This summer, though, there’s been a new addition to the rotation of photos I’m […]

The 2-Step Test to Determine How Strong Your Hair Is

When we talk about “good hair days,” we’re usually referring to our hair being perfectly colored, cut, and styled. One thing most of us aren’t thinking about, though, is its strength. That, it turns out, is a mistake. “Having strong hair is an important foundation, which will support styling, coloring, and the overall health of your hair,” explains […]

The Very Important Thing to Know About *When* You Should Apply SPF

Google “how to layer your skin care,” and you’ll get thousands of results telling you exactly the order in which to apply your products. While there’s some wiggle room amongst the middle steps (it’s up to you and your skin type, for example, whether retinol goes on before or after moisturizer), the beginning and end of […]

What to Know About ‘PLE,’ the Supplement That’s Quickly Becoming Spf’s Sidekick

We all know how important it is to wear sunscreen every day. And yet according to new research, only 11 percent of U.S. adults actually do it. What’s more, the small number of people who are slathering themselves with the stuff on the reg, nearly two-thirds of them don’t bother re-applying. “The number of times I get asked a week: ‘When are […]

How To Score the Most-Wanted Luxury Beauty Products of Summer for Half the Price

After a year of curating, crafting, and collecting intel from skin-care aficionados and beauty bloggers far and wide *drumroll please*, Violet Grey is back with their high-anticipated Violet Box Best of Summer. That said, given what’s in it (a lot) and the fact that it is limited edition, it probably won’t be around for very long, so best to […]