4 Basic Exfoliating Rules a Dermatologist Is Begging You To Follow This Spring and Beyond

Exfoliation is so amazing because it removes dull layers of dead skin, keeping our complexion bright and shiny. However, it’s extraordinarily easy to over-exfoliate your skin. And when you do that, you can cause some serious irritation and inflammation. Hadley Kind, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, is here to help prevent that from happening with […]

Found: A French Deep-Cleansing Exfoliator That’s Gentle on My Eczema-Prone Skin

Having eczema-prone and irritable skin means that I have to tread carefully before applying any product. This includes cleansers, face moisturizers, and especially exfoliators, which can be too rough for people with reactive skin. But for the last four months, I’ve been hooked on Caudalie Deep Exfoliator Cleanser, a 2-in-1 cleanser-exfoliator that leaves my complexion glowing and free […]

I Have Dry Skin, and This Is My Go-To Fall Face Mask For Brightening My Dull Complexion

Like it or not, it’s time to start transitioning your skin care from summer to fall, and right now, one of my go-to face masks for brightening the complexion is majorly discounted when you shop the QVC Big Beauty Sale through August 26 (a secret goldmine for discounted luxury brands, FYI). The Peter Thomas Roth Pumpkin Enzyme Mask is both an exfoliating […]

Skincare Experts Agree: These Are the 12 Best Face Washes for Dry Skin

While moisturizer or face serum might be the first thing you typically reach for to combat dry skin, you might be skipping a crucial step: your face wash. While it’s true that some face washes cleanse away more than just dirt and grime (like natural oils), a hydrating face wash for dry skin can play a key role […]