3 Forearm Plank Mistakes You Should Nix From Your Practice, Stat

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email If you deal with achey, sensitive wrists, you may have decided long ago that planks simply aren’t for you. But don’t shut down the core workout just yet: If you still want to feel the full body burn of plank pose, dropping down to your forearms is a great way […]

The Tiny Tweak That’ll Make Your Lateral Bear Crawl Feel Easier

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Some fitness moves require more coordination than others. The surfer burpee has more moving parts than, say, a classic squat—right? If you’ve ever tried a lateral bear crawl, you probably already know that it’s one of those (hard)core exercises that’s as much a mental workout as a physical […]

Release All Your Upper-Body Tension With Thread the Needle Pose

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Most of us hold our stress and tension in our shoulders, neck, and upper back (the trio of tightness, if you will). Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a stretch that simultaneously targeted all three trouble areas? Enter: thread the needle, an upper-body yoga pose that begins […]

How To Make Table Top Legs the Sturdy Base Your Pilates Practice Needs To Thrive

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Activating your core is the key to so many Pilates moves, but actually finding and firing those core muscles can feel like you’re searching for something when you don’t even know what it looks like. But there’s a simple way to set up your Pilates routine for success, […]

The Secret to a Perfect Pilates Bridge? It’s All About a Push-Pull

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email The Pilates bridge is a pose that does double duty. It is a great workout for your glutes, hamstrings, and core, but it can also help relieve strain in your lower back. As physical therapist, yogi, and founder of Movement by Lara, Lara Heimann, previously told Well+Good, it has the […]

Let’s Break It Down: Here’s How To Actually Do a Dumbbell Snatch

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email The dumbbell snatch is a true full-body move. It works your lower body, upper body, and core with every rep. It will strengthen your muscles and get your heart pumping. What’s not to love? Well, the complexity can get a bit overwhelming. It’s a compound movement, which means it […]

Master the Tempo Push-Up With These 3 Easy Steps

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email The versatile push-up is a full-body exercise you can do anywhere, anytime, which is why it’s a favorite of many trainers. It’s also incredibly satisfying: Moving your body up and down like a board makes you feel powerfully in control. If you’re trying to expand your push-up repertoire, one […]

How You (Yes, You!) Can Strengthen Your Core With 3 Foundational Gymnastics Positions

Hurtling yourself through the air, going upside down, and balancing on various limbs requires a combination of strength and coordination. When you’re able to get those components to work together, you’re achieving mind-body control—which is exactly what you need to begin a gymnastics practice. But activating those muscles doesn’t just happen without training. In fact, there are […]