The Key to Loosening Up Tight, Immobile Hips? Rocking ‘n Rotating

Do you ever feel like you’re brushing the proverbial cobwebs off of your hips after sitting still for hours on end? You’re not alone. When we spend lots of time in a seated position without moving around much, our hip flexors get shortened, which can lead to tightness and immobility. The solution? Well, you should ideally […]

This Short Ab Workout Is Here To Spice Up Your Core Routine

Another ab day, another set of crunches and planks, am I right? Not so fast! This seven-minute fiery core routine is here to work your core with moves that will push your abs in new ways. Mixing up your exercise routine this way can help you avoid hitting a “fitness plateau,” or when your strength gains start […]

The Number One Skill To Master To Make Your Pilates Workouts More Effective

From the outside, mat Pilates can look either like a lot of laying down, or like a series of confusing limb movements. What’s all that lifting, lowering, and fluttering supposed to be working? Practitioners know that most Pilates exercises, big or small, work your muscles in non-obvious ways. That’s because coordinating your breath to the movement […]

To Improve Your Balance, Embrace Wobbling

Balance is all about fortitude. It’s not pure strength, nor is it pure stillness. It’s about having the tools to react and maintain your position when something internal or external comes along to blow you off course. This attitude is relevant for both the literal and figurative idea of finding balance in life. But today, […]

4 Moves, 11 Minutes—Your Full-Body Workout Is Done

Leg day, arm day, core day. Push, pull, squat, press. All of the ways we organize our workouts are a lot to keep straight, right? But getting a full-body workout doesn’t have to involve a color-coded Google calendar. While a strength-training regimen does typically require planning and organization to build muscle, if you’re short on time, you […]

This Multitasking Morning Pilates Workout Will Supercharge Your Brain All Day

Good morning, sunshine! Okay, wow, sorry to be a LOT first thing. But if you were not ready for that energy, may I suggest a new 22-minute morning Pilates workout from East River Pilates trainer Brian Spencer? “This is guaranteed to wake you up and get you feeling energized for your day,” says Spencer. Exercise feels so great […]

To Reduce Low Back Pain, Train Mobility and Strength Together

The lower back is like the Grand Central Station of your body. It takes on the weight of your torso and arms, and anchors your hips, glutes, and hamstrings, allowing you to both lift things and move about the world. But that means it can also be a hotspot for pain if not everything is […]