How To Train for Your First Marathon So You Cross the Finish Line Without a Hitch

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email The idea of training for your first marathon can feel just as overwhelming as the thought of running the 26.2-mile race itself. The process can take up months of your life, and if you’re a runner used to 5Ks, you may be unsure of how to safely get […]

How to Prep for Your First 10k or Half Marathon—When You’re New to Running

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Sure, running’s a pretty low-key sport. Lace up your shoes and go. So how come there are a million little “what to dos” that come up once you’ve planned a goal to run a little farther every day—either for a race or the shear joy of […]

The Fit Person’s Guide to Running Your First Half Marathon (With Training Plan!)

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Each May, 15,000 people head to the Coney Island Boardwalk. But instead of toting swimsuits and coolers, they’ll be racing towards the Brooklyn Half-Marathon Finish Line. This year, I’ll be among them, as will many of Well+Good’s readers. (It sold out in a day!) And while many runners will […]

The Intense Recovery Routine That Got Karlie Kloss Ready for the NYC Marathon

When you commit to a huge goal like running a marathon, it’s no secret that you’ll be spending a ton of time pounding the pavement. But, most running pros agree there’s actually another (equally) important key to marathon training success: recovery. Even supermodel and first-time marathon runner Karlie Kloss (who finished this weekend’s New York City race) can attest to the benefits […]

Why It’s So Much Harder To Train at Higher Altitudes If You’re Not Used to It

Altitude training is not for the faint of heart. Perhaps you’ve heard of the technique where elite athletes spend weeks—if not months—training at high elevations to strengthen their athletic performance. As a casual runner, who spends most of my time in New York City, I’ve always envied athletes’ ability to spend time several thousand feet above sea […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Training for a Marathon Straight From a Run Coach

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email You just signed up for your first or 15th marathon—congratulations! Anyone who has ever completed a 26.2-mile race will tell you that going the distance will change your life. But before race day—and don’t worry, you have plenty of time—there’s a whole lot of training to be […]

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email So. You want to run a marathon. First of all, congratulations! Second of all, it’s time to get to work. The thought of pounding the pavement for 26 (.2) straight miles can feel nothing short of overwhelming, but with a proper routine in place, there’s no doubt […]

The Super-Common Thoughts Most People Have During Their First Marathon

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email The first time you set out to run 26.2 miles—in a sea of other willing humans, all collectively striving to do the same—will undoubtedly change your life. And whether you’re in it to win it (looking at you, Boston Marathon champ Desiree Linden!) or your debut goal […]

Everything You Need to Know to Get Ready for a Marathon in 12 Weeks Flat

No matter how seasoned of a runner you may be, getting ready for a marathon takes some work—most people can’t wake up on the morning of race day and clock in a cool 26.2 (although I actually did once have a boyfriend who did that, and it was one of the more impressive things I’ve ever seen […]