Think You Can’t Run a 10K? With This 6-Week Training Plan, I Know for a Fact That You Can

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Say it with me now: I am going to run a 10K. Yep, you there. You’re gonna do it. I want you to actually say this out loud—to me, your family, your friends—because speaking a goal has power. It makes it real, but it also makes it […]
5 Ways To Make Running Feel Easier, According to a Running Coach

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email There’s one nugget of wisdom from Coach Bennett of Nike Run Club that I always think about when I’m lacing up. To paraphrase, the only way to run five miles is to run five miles. It seems simple, but what he’s ultimately pointing out is that there are […]
The 5 Plyometric Exercises That Can Help Make You a Faster Runner

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email If you’re ready to pick up the pace on your runs, you have options. You could start incorporating more speed work into your weekly runs or master the way you breathe as the miles go by. Another great option? Adding plyometric exercises (aka jump-based training) to your running routine. “Plyometric exercises […]
Hit the Pavement in These 7 Pieces of Actually Stylish Reflective Wear for Runs in the Dark

Regardless of mileage—whether it’s a 5K or 10K—building up the distance is no easy feat. Some days will be harder than others, but as long as you have a running plan, you’ll be in good hands. As training begins to ramp up, it’s likely you’ll be carrying your runs into the nighttime. To stay visible among cars, […]
8 Common Questions New Runners Ask, Answered by Running Coaches

You may think getting started running is a straightforward business. Lace up a pair of sneakers, drink a glass of water, touch your toes, and you’re good to go, right? Well, yes and no. Running doesn’t have to be complicated, but all too often, being unsure of whether they’re doing it “right” can keep newbies from doing […]
These 7 Mental Tricks Can Train Your Brain To Help You Run Faster

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Running is sometimes referred to as 90 percent mental and 10 percent physical. Which makes sense: Just think about how much energy you spend battling that voice in your head that’s telling you to stop. And yet nearly all training plans, whether they are couch-to-5K or advanced marathon […]
Why You Keep Getting Running Injuries (and How To Avoid Them)

Photo: W+G Creative Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email We’ve all been there. You’re training for a new race and everything is going well. The miles are getting ticked off and you are running more than ever. You feel great! And then suddenly it happens: You get an injury. You rest and […]
Why Building Strength One Leg at a Time Is Crucial for Running Prep

The way we often strength train for running is with two-legged exercises like squats, dead lifts, and hip bridges. But if you took a freeze frame of yourself while running, at no point would both of your feet be on the ground at the same time. “As you run, one leg is hitting the ground […]
Cross the Finish Line Healthy and Strong With This Beginner-Friendly 5-Week Training Plan

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email As the saying goes, you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Every runner begins somewhere, and there’s no better place than here, with our beginner 5K training plan that promises to transform—not just guide—your approach to running. “Anyone and […]
Fast-Track Your 5K Training With This Pace-Pushing 5-Week Plan

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email The path to a personal best is paved with persistence and the right plan—and you can discover both with our 5K training plan for intermediate runners. It mixes three type of runs: easy runs, tempo runs, and speed work. But keep in mind, that doesn’t mean pushing […]