I’m a Trainer and These Are My 7 Favorite Pieces of Gear To Help Me Stay Injury-Free

I’ve been a group fitness and personal trainer for almost seven years, and the most common issue clients come to me with is injuries. Conversely, the most common issue I have with clients is also their injuries. Why, you may ask? Well, because they’re coming to me with their injuries when it’s too late. Once […]
The 7 Products I Credit to *Finally* Making Me a Morning Workout Person

I didn’t just magically become a morning person one day. It took coming back home from a trip overseas and the aftermath we call jet lag for me to finally start waking up earlier. Once I realized that I’m exponentially more productive and energized before the rest of the world wakes up, I knew that rising with […]
6 Slam Ball Exercises to Do for Explosive Power, Full-Body Strength, and Serious Stress Relief

With foam rollers, sliders, resistance bands, suspension trainers, and wearable weights (just to name a few), these days it seems like there’s an infinite number of workout tools to choose from. Nut none are arguably as versatile—and badass—as the slam ball. If you’ve seen these unassuming rubber balls at the gym, you might be thinking, what’s so special about them? It turns out: […]
The NYC Marathon Is Harder To Get Into Than an Ivy League. Now, You Can Run It Virtually With Peloton

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Come marathon season, your social media feeds might be filled with friends and acquaintances traversing the boroughs of NYC in the TCS New York City Marathon. Now, even if you can’t run over the Verrazano Bridge or get cheered on by the crowds in person, you can […]
Stationary Bike Seats Will Never Offer La-Z-Boy Comfort—But They Don’t Have To Hurt Your Crotch and Butt So Much

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Indoor biking, either at home or at a spin class, has become more enticing (and popular) than ever thanks to high-quality set-ups and a variety of tech to keep it interesting. Gone are the days of staring at a blank wall while counting the very sweaty minutes until you […]
Your Lower Body Is Begging You to Do More Lying Hamstring Curls

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email If your leg days are all about squats (and other quad-dominant exercises), listen up: You might be setting yourself up for an injury. Many of us pay too much attention to the muscles on the front of our legs while ignoring the backs of our thighs (aka our hamstrings). […]
10 Affordable Fitness Essentials To Move Your Workout Routine Indoors

It’s indoor season—but just because you’re planning to spend the winter buried under blankets, perfecting your homemade chili recipe, and finally finishing all 47 seasons of Survivor doesn’t mean your fitness routine has to go into hibernation, too. If you’re thinking, “Um, rolling out of bed when it’s pitch black and drafty to lace up my sneakers […]
First Time Surfing? Here’s What You Need to Know

Some summer days it seems like everyone’s gone surfing, but taking those first steps on a board can be pretty darn daunting. Even if you’re pretty fit and active. So, to squelch any newbie surfing fears, we tapped the expertise of aptly-named Andreea Waters—wave rider extraordinaire and co-founder of Lava Girl Surf, which is all about empowering […]
The Most Stylish Swimsuits for Every Summer Activity

The activewear boom that’s occurred over the past few years has fully taken over Instagram, found its way into several celebrity fashion lines, and even infiltrated high-fashion runways. But there’s one corner of the style scene where athleisure is only just starting to dominate: swimwear. Until recently, it was still a challenge to find chic, yet sporty options for the beach and […]
This Cult-Fave Costco Surfboard Can Make Your Wave-Riding Dreams an Affordable Reality

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email If you assumed being able to ride the best waves like a pro surfer was an impossible dream (or at least a very expensive one), think again: You can get the best-selling surfboard at Costco, and it most likely costs less than your monthly gym membership. To get your hands on the Wavestorm Classic Longboard, look no further than Costco’s aisles of giant […]