With Weight Training, Is It Better To Go Heavier or Do More Reps?

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Grab those kettlebells and break out the hand weights, and get ready to improve your weight-lifting game. Adding weight training to your workout routine is essential for increasing muscle mass, while also ensuring you aren’t losing muscle mass over time. But when it comes to weight training, should you […]

There Are 7 Different Types of Strength Training—Here’s How To Hit Them All

The term “strength training” can apply to everything from 20-minute HIIT workouts to the single heavy barbell lifts performed by Olympic bodybuilders. The reason why it characterizes such a wide array of workouts is that there are seven—yes, seven—different types of strength training modalities, each of which is important for keeping your body strong and healthy. Below, fitness […]

How To Master Your Romanian Deadlift Form, According to Trainers

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email There are certain fitness moves that just sound intimidating. Bear planks. Alligator crawls. And another one that tops the list as many trainers’ fiery favorite? Romanian deadlifts. While the move can admittedly be scary to try on your own, don’t worry: We’ve got you covered with everything you need to […]

An Olympic Weightlifter’s Favorite Equipment-Free Exercise Moves

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email As everyone is stuck at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, without access to our usual workout studios or fitness equipment, we’re getting creative with our exercises. While there are countless household items that double as workout equipment, it’s also worth noting that you can weight train without weights. […]

9 Shoulder Exercises to Do at Home That Dissolve Any Sign of Tension

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email When cycling through weekly workouts, it’s easy to fall into the same strength-training regimen of abs, arms, glutes, repeat. But now that we’re all working from home (read: slumped over our laptops on the couch and/or the kitchen table), there’s another area we should be giving a little bit […]

No Weights? No Problem. These Common Household Items Double As Workout Equipment

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email These days, at-home workouts are the name of the game. But if you haven’t had time to stock up on a full-blown home gym, don’t worry—there are plenty of items you’ve already got lying around that can double as equipment. Without even realizing it, you’ve likely been collecting […]

The Beginner’s Guide to Lifting Weights at the Gym

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email If your weight-lifting experience is primarily limited to a 5-minute stint at the end of spin class, picking up a set of ’em at the gym can be intimidating and scary, to say the least. But you’ll want to face those fears and do it anyway, since lifting […]

Is This Weird Workout Device the Next TRX?

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Every time I attach my TRX to the rickety door frame in my apartment, I think my landlord might evict me. So when I heard about Disq, a new anywhere exercise device that claims to help users turn up the intensity on body-weight workouts—without having to hit […]

How to Decide Between Using Weight Machines and Free Weights, According to Trainers

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email When I strength train, I alternate between using weight machines and free weights, and the choice is usually based on my mood or whichever option is available at the time. But is one objectively better than the other? According to experts, there are pros and cons […]