5 Muscle Groups Suffer the Most From Desk Work—And This 10-Minute Lunch Break Stretch Class Unwinds Them All

The average American worker has about 35 minutes to eat lunch during the workday. By the time you’ve microwaved yesterday’s leftovers and watched a few dozen TikToks, that probably leaves you with about 10 minutes before the siren song of your email inbox gets its way. But if you want to use that time to limber up and get […]
Don’t Squish That Blueberry! And Other Tips To Help You Master the Pilates Basics Before Your First Class

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email From the tiny movements to the long holds and rhythmic breathing, it can be intimidating to step onto the Pilates mat for the first time. So much of the work is about engaging your muscles—sometimes in nearly invisible ways. How are you supposed to know if […]
This 8-Minute Workout Stretches, Strengthens, and Mobilizes Your Body for Better Posture

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Improving your posture isn’t a one-and-done kind of endeavor. Standing tall requires muscles that are strong enough to hold you upright, and but also long and loose enough to stay open. It’s actually a circular conundrum: Poor posture can negatively affect your mobility, and decreased mobility will […]
Get Grounded in Just 10 Minutes With This Standing Stability Workout

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email If balance is your ability to keep yourself upright using your senses, stability is your body’s fail-safe muscular system that helps you keep your head up when your balance starts to teeter-totter. So when you train for stability, you’re also improving your balance. “When I lose balance, its […]
The Unexpected Ingredient You Need To Get the Most Out of Your Glute Workouts

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email The beloved body part that is the butt is so much more than just… a butt. It’s composed of three muscles—the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus—that help you summit stairs and hills, take off at lightning speed, and look damn good in a pair […]
This Workout Supports Good Posture By Improving Your Strength and Mobility

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email Posture, strength, and mobility are connected in what can be a potentially vicious cycle. If you slouch all day, you run the risk of weakening the muscles and immobilizing the joints you need to keep yourself upright. If your joints and muscles are stiff and out […]
Take the Load off Your Low Back With These Glute and Core Strengthening Moves

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email You know how moms end up holding all the jackets during a family outing? That’s basically how lower back pain happens. No, it’s not literally because of holding jackets. In our bodies, when our hamstrings are tight, our glutes are tired, or our core is disengaged, […]
This Full-Body Low-Impact Strength Routine Can Be a Cardio Workout in Disguise

So you want to get your heart pumping, but avoid any high-impact jumping or jolting? Don’t worry, you can still get a powerful heartbeat-raising workout with moves that won’t stress your joints. Your not-so-secret weapons are two moderate-weight dumbbells. In this new workout from trainer Kat Atienza of Session in Brooklyn, the weights will help you work your lower body, […]
This Workout Shows Why Strength and Mobility Training Go Together Like PB&J

Our workouts are so often segmented and separated: There are stretch sessions, strength workouts, mobility routines, and cardio days. But really, these components are all part of the same system that keeps our body strong and healthy. Why don’t we combine them more often? Strength training and mobility go particularly well together, and for good […]
Here’s How To Build Up to the Most Challenging Exercises—Without Even Realizing It

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on pinterestShare on email What in the world is a “reverse burpee”? If just the sound of a move like that has you running for the woods (or at least out of the gym), you might want to stick around. A reverse burpee, also called a half jackknife, involves lying […]