3 Benefits of Water Aerobics That’ll Actually Convince You To Give It a Try

As a former competitive swimmer who also played water polo and competed in aquathlons, it’s fair to say I’m pretty experienced when it comes to water activities.

But as far as water aerobics goes, I like many, had the misconception that it was an easy, relaxing activity primarily for older adults. And boy, was I proven wrong. Instead, I was incredibly humbled when I recently took my first class.

“It’ll be a slow, low-intensity way to start my day,” I thought to myself. Safe to say, it wasn’t easy nor slow by any means—rather quite the opposite.

To start was a simple walk around the shallow end, and, before I knew it, my heart was already racing. By the end of the 45 minutes, I was spent.

What is water aerobics?

Water aerobics is a mix of a cardio and strength-training workout all done inside a pool (primarily in the shallow end where you can stand). While you do work up a sweat during the session, it’s considered a low-impact workout.

“Water aerobics is gentle on the joints, which makes it suitable for individuals with arthritis, joint pain, or other mobility issues,” says Carlos Urrutigoity, water fitness instructor and health and wellbeing circle leader at BodyHoliday, St. Lucia. “The buoyancy of water allows for a wider range of motion, promoting flexibility and improved joint function.”

I myself experienced this firsthand as someone with ongoing hip pain. Many traditional land exercises flare up my hips and limit my motion. However, while I was in the water, I could do the movements with ease and without discomfort.

“Water fitness can be individualized to everyone.” —Landon Uetz, PT, DPT


What are the benefits of water aerobics?

There are many benefits of water fitness. Read on to learn more.

1. It improves muscle strength and cardiovascular health

A small May 2018 study in PLOS One found that doing water aerobics twice a week for 12 weeks showed improvements in explosive upper- and lower-body strength, reduced body fat, lower systolic blood pressure (the top number, which measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats), and lower triglycerides (a type of fat that circulates in your blood).

2. It’s good for people of all training levels and abilities

“Water fitness can be individualized to everyone,” says physical therapist Landon Uetz, PT, DPT. “The faster you move, the more resistance you experience.”

3. It works multiple muscle groups at once

“It’s especially effective for targeting core muscles, as the abdominal and back muscles are constantly engaged to maintain balance and stability in the water,” Urrutigoity says.


Why is water aerobics so challenging compared land workouts?

One of the biggest reasons water aerobics is deceivingly hard is because of water resistance.

“The resistance of water is about 12 to 14 times greater than air,” Urrutigoity says. “Therefore, movements become more challenging, which enhances muscular strength and endurance, compared to similar exercises on land.”

And while it may be a tougher workout than expected, the challenge allows you to build lean muscle mass without the risk of injuries you may face when on land. Dr. Uetz says the buoyancy of water also plays a role.

“The buoyancy is what reduces the joint requirements and supports the weight of the body,” he says. “It takes gravity out of the equation that comes into play with land activity.”

Water aerobics was truly one of the most challenging, yet fun, workouts I’ve done in a long time. I was slipping and sliding, could barely balance, and probably looked like a giraffe trying to walk for the first time. Just note that it may take some time to get your footing (literally), and you may be left very humbled. But as long as you’re having fun and keeping at it, that’s all that matters.


Try this sample water aerobics workout

Want to give water aerobics a go? Urrutigoity recommends this workout the next time you’re in the pool.

Warm-up (5 minutes)

  1. Jog in place: Start with a light jog in the water to increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.
  2. Arm circles: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and circle your arms forward and then backward to warm up your shoulder joints.
  3. Leg swings: Swing one leg forward and backward, then side to side. Switch legs and repeat.
  4. Torso twists: Stand with feet hip-width apart and twist your torso side to side, engaging the core muscles.

Cardiovascular exercise (30 minutes)

  1. Jumping jacks: Perform jumping jacks in the water to increase your heart rate and work on cardiovascular fitness.
  2. Cross-country skiing: Simulate a cross-country skiing motion by moving your arms and legs alternately
  3. High knees: Lift your knees toward your chest, alternating legs quickly. This helps to engage your core and lower body.
  4. Torso twists: Stand with feet hip-width apart and twist your torso side to side, engaging the core muscles.
  5. Hydro push: With foam dumbbells, resistance gloves, or no fitness equipment at all, submerge your body to upper- chest level and use the water resistance to push your arms away from your body in a press-up movement. Engage your triceps (backs of your upper arms), deltoids (shoulders), and pectoralis (chest) muscles as you do this.

Cooldown (5 minutes)

  1. Slow walking: Bring the intensity down with a slow walk in the water to gradually lower your heart rate.
  2. Stretching: Perform gentle stretches for your arms, legs, and torso. Focus on lengthening your muscles and improving flexibility.
  3. Deep breathing: Finish with deep breathing exercises to help relax and center yourself.

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This May Be the Best Day to Work Out, According to Experts

Photo: Getty Images/ Thomas Barwick

Although your calendar may note the new week begins on Sunday, Monday is the iconic start to the work and school week. It’s a day that signifies new beginnings and a restart. That may be why “never miss a Monday!” is an adage some fitness pros swear by. But is there truth to the idea that Monday is the best day to work out?

Turns out there may be a reason to prioritize movement on Monday. Ahead you’ll find out if the day of the week matters when improving your fitness. Spoiler alert: You may never want to miss a Monday again.


How do days of the week influence your activity?

Like starting fresh with a fitness resolution in the New Year, Monday is considered a notable time of new beginnings. Research1 published in Current Opinion in Psychology shows that people organize and plan their time based on landmarks, like a new week, new month, or birthday. “Mondays represent a fresh start, clean slate, and opportunity to start the week taking actionable steps to achieve goals,” says Michelle Porter, CPT, certified personal trainer and founder of Michelle Porter Fit.

Not exactly motivated by the fact that it’s Monday? Even if you don’t feel like rushing off to the gym, a workout may be just the trick to lay the foundation for your week. “Workouts cognitively jumpstart your endorphins, which leads to an overall happier mood,” says Anthony Crouchelli, CPT, a personal trainer and founder of More than Miles. “So, starting Monday off with a spark can be the best way to kickstart your goals for the week.”

The benefits of working out on Monday

You’re likely well aware of the benefits of physical activity, but why should you push yourself to schedule a Monday sweat sesh? Here are some reasons to make Monday an active day.

1. It gives you an energy boost

If you’re struggling with a case of the Mondays, a workout may be an alternative to that extra cup of coffee. Justin Kraft, CPT, a certified personal trainer and founder of Aspire 2 More Fitness, recommends pepping yourself up with exercise, “It’s an energizing way to start the week, especially after the body has had time to rest over the weekend, which often leads to better performance and focus in the gym.”

While it feels like you should do anything but move, continuing your regular physical activity regimen may improve2 your feelings of fatigue (i.e., stop your Monday ship from sinking) and make you feel revitalized. All without the caffeine jitters.

2. It makes you feel more productive

Greater efficiency? Yes, please! Exercise provides a release of dopamine (a “happy” hormone) in your brain and activates your mind. “Releasing dopamine earlier in the week leads to more productivity, as well as overall better mood in work-like environments,” says Crouchelli.

You may even get more bang for your buck if you do a short, but intense burst of exercise, like this HIIT workout. Researchers have found that HIIT workouts improved3 focus and reaction time when compared to moderate-intensity exercise.

3. It gives your confidence a boost

There’s no time like Monday to own your week. “There’s a lot to be said for the psychological benefits of a Monday workout. Accomplishing something physically challenging at the start of the week reduces stress and creates a “win” that can carry through to professional and personal goals,” says Kraft.

By pushing through, you’ll make yourself unstoppable. Regularly getting in that workout enhances4 self-efficacy and self-esteem. Kraft shares an example of how your workout success may transfer to other responsibilities: “If someone has a big presentation later in the week, a Monday workout can provide clarity and a sense of calm confidence, giving them that ‘I’ve got this’ mindset.”

4. It gets your sleep schedule on track

Did you have too much fun and get yourself out of whack this weekend…or every weekend? (Looking at you, social jet lag!) Exercise helps you get back on track with sleep, too. “Many people find that a Monday workout sets up their sleep patterns for the week, aligning body rhythms and fostering consistency,” says Kraft.

Not only does it help reduce stress—a major disruptor of ZZZs—but physical activity regulates body temperature5 to bring about better sleep. Exercise also increases the production of the hormone melatonin6, which aids in regulating your sleep cycle.

“There’s a lot to be said for the psychological benefits of a Monday workout.” —Justin Kraft, CPT


Is one day better than another when it comes to exercise?

Monday workouts may psych you up for the week ahead, but are there physical benefits? “Nope! Movement every single day is the best way to remodel your reward system, which leads to higher circulating levels, and in return being in a happier place no matter if it is Monday or Friday,” Crouchelli says.

“Never miss a Monday” is rooted in motivation and a sense of accomplishment. But when it comes to the physical gains of exercise, the day doesn’t matter. It’s the showing up that counts. “The best days to exercise are the days that you can consistently show up,” Porter says. “Mondays might be impossible for someone depending on their schedule—and that’s okay.”


What if you miss a Monday?

If your workout didn’t make the priority list on Monday, no need to worry. Some find the idea of easing into your week with fewer tasks (i.e., “Bare Minimum Mondays”) is ideal, as there’s less pressure.

Porter encourages you to look at the big picture: “Remember that we are striving for progress, not perfection,” he says. “If you miss your Monday workout, it’s okay. Tuesday is just as great a day to get your next workout in.”

Physical activity is very personal and it needs to fit your schedule. “Scheduling is essential for success,” Porter says. “However, incorporating some flexibility rather than rigid rules is helpful for our overall well-being.”

TL;DR: Monday workouts can be incredibly motivating and set the tone for success for the week ahead. That said, there are no physical benefits from working out on a certain day of the week. Mondays may not work for you, and that’s fine. It’s the consistency of your workouts that allows you to achieve your goals.

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Can Pilates Actually Lengthen Your Muscles?

Photo: Getty Images/ yasindmrblk

Pilates is having a serious moment—and for good reason. Whether you’re looking to improve your posture, rehab a sports injury, or deepen your core strength, there are a ton of legit functional benefits to getting on the Pilates bandwagon. The problem? Aesthetic benefits sell. It’s why the idea that Pilates can help you sculpt “long, lean lines” or achieve a dancer’s body is so damn persistent.

So let’s finally clear this up: Can your mat or reformer class actually elongate you in any way? And what does your Pilates instructor really mean when they talk about “lengthening” your spine? We spoke to a physical therapist, exercise physiologist, and Pilates instructors to break it down.

How did Pilates get a reputation for sculpting ‘long, lean lines?’

It’s easy to see why Pilates became associated with a lean dancer’s physique. When Joseph Pilates brought his method to the U.S. in the 1920s, his first clients and trained teachers were dancers.

“From the beginning, the method was an excellent way to rehab dancers after injuries and help them build strength and stability to reduce the risk they’d get injured again,” says Anna Maltby, CPT, an ACE–certified personal trainer, mat Pilates instructor, and the author of How to Move, an anti-diet newsletter about exercise.

Fast forward 100 years and many, many, Pilates instructors are dancers or former dancers—and many dancers gravitate towards Pilates. “The misconception that Pilates gives you a dancer’s body is directly connected to the fact that it was largely popularized by the dance community who already had dancer’s bodies,” says Helen Phelan, a body-neutral certified Pilates instructor and founder of Helen Phelan Studio.

It’s selection bias at play that leads people to believe Pilates can override genetics and give you a leaner, more elongated physique, Maltby says. “I know so many incredible Pilates instructors and people who do Pilates regularly who are neither long nor lean, you know?”

The thing is, you can’t actually “lengthen” your muscles

Let’s get this out of the way: Pilates can’t actually make your muscles longer than they are. “The length of your muscle is primarily determined by the length of your bones and where your muscles attach to your joints,” says Jason Machowsky, MS, CEP, CSCS, a clinical exercise physiologist and owner of JM Wellness.

“I think the word ‘lengthen’ can be really confusing in an exercise context because it is a thing—but it is not the thing that people think it is,” Maltby says. Yes, muscles do shorten and lengthen, she says. For example, the biceps will shorten when you flex your elbow under load during a biceps curl or when you’re just crossing your arms, and your biceps will lengthen when your elbow is relaxed and your arm is hanging straight by your side. But while Pilates involves stretching and lengthening your muscles, that won’t make your muscles visibly longer, she says.

When people talk about “lengthening their muscles,” they’re usually referring to the idea that you can strengthen without “bulking,” Phelan says. But (putting aside the fact that it’s quite challenging to bulk up in the first place) the only way to increase strength is to increase muscle mass, she says. “What that looks like on each individual body is completely unique to each person and has more to do with genetics and lifestyle than choice of exercise modality.” (Diet also plays a huge role when it comes to getting the lean and slender body type that Pilates promotes.)

If you’re tall and don’t carry a lot of body fat, Pilates can make your muscles appear long and lean. But if you have shorter limbs and more body fat, your muscles probably won’t have that same appearance, Maltby says. In other words, some people will never achieve “long, lean lines”—and that’s okay. “I think that’s a hard pill for people to swallow who are doing Pilates for aesthetic reasons.”

“The misconception that Pilates gives you a dancer’s body is directly connected to the fact that it was largely popularized by the dance community who already had dancer’s bodies.” —Helen Phelan, Pilates instructor

But there is some truth to the lengthening claims

Pilates can’t change the length of your muscles (or bones) themselves, but there’s some validity to the idea that Pilates can make you appear, well, longer. “By improving flexibility in certain muscles and improving strength and stability in others, Pilates can change the way that you carry yourself,” Maltby says.

Think about your muscles when sitting in a hunched, rounded posture versus sitting up straight, says Machowsky. The actual length of the muscle hasn’t changed, but you’ll appear taller when your muscles are less compressed. “Pilates can help with better posture and possibly flexibility and mobility, which can make us look longer because we’re standing up straight.”

Of course, not all Pilates classes look the same. The key to an effective, “elongating” Pilates workout is that it incorporates active rather than static stretching, says Grayson Wickham, DPT, DPT, CSCS, physical therapist and founder of Movement Vault. Active stretching is when you maximally stretch out and then contract your muscles at the end of your range of motion, helping to improve the active mobility of your muscles and joints, Grayson says.

Lastly, it’s possible your Pilates instructor has something else in mind when they talk about “lengthening” during class. “Pilates instructors often use the word ‘lengthen’ in cues (e.g. “lengthen your spine”)… but that’s to help people find the right form and alignment for the exercise so they can engage the correct muscles for that movement,” Maltby says.

Why we should stop caring about ‘long, lean lines’

Of course, everyone has their own motivation for working out, and for some that might be to change the way they look, Maltby says. But marketing lingo that promises a specific body type from Pilates (or any workout or diet) alone can be misleading. “I think we all just need to get a little bit more into the practice of asking: Does this sound too good to be true?”

While this is largely a problem with Pilates culture, individual instructors can also be guilty of perpetuating the “long, lean lines” myth. But body-neutral Pilates instructors, like Maltby and Phelan, are much more interested in helping you become in tune with how you’re feeling and moving (aka the mind-body connection), Maltby says. And when you’re in tune with your body, you’re able to notice all of the functional benefits of Pilates, including improved strength, mobility, balance, and posture. “When you’re moving through the world more in your body, that’s sustainable and that helps you feel motivated,” Maltby says.

Focusing solely on the aesthetic benefits, especially when there are so many important mental health benefits, can also create a transactional, and potentially unhealthy relationship with exercise, Phelan says. She created her own studio to offer an anti-diet approach to Pilates that’s still physically challenging, with a focus on muscle activation and building strength rather than gentle stretching. In fact, Phelan describes her method as a satisfying, cathartic workout for those who roll their eyes when they hear the phrase “long, lean lines.”